Delivery And Payment-2222

  1. After sending your inquiry, you will receive an offer back from us within 2 working days (please check your spam folder just in case the email with our offer got delivered there instead of your inbox).
  2. The shipping costs included in the offer will depend on the place of delivery.
  3. Payment is by bank transfer to the designated account. The transfer title should specify the offer number and your name.
  4. After payment has been received, we will inform you of the expected delivery time (no longer than 14 working days). Delivery times will depend on the destination.
  5. All orders are sent within 2-5 working days after the transfer has been received. We will send confirmation of your order as soon as your products are ready for shipping.
  6. The LifeGel is transported in a special low-temperature container which should be stored at -4oC after receipt.
  7. The Digestion Kit is transported in dry ice and should not be touched with bare hands. After receipt, store at -20oC for 6-month stability or at -80oC for stability until expiry date. Protect from light and avoid repeated freezing and thawing.

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